Specifically Crafted for Sleep Consultants
Dubsado or HoneyBook
Courses & Community are all in the same platform (Heartbeat).
Step by step Courses to set up Dubsado or HoneyBook
(bonus mini-course to help you decide!)
Strategy Workshop
The Group Community & Access to Me (Meg)
inside Heartbeat (super easy app) for all your setup questions!
⁕ Don’t invest in a CRM until you’ve been in business for a while.
⁕ Using multiple tools is easier and budget friendly.
⁕ CRM’s are complicated and have a steep learning curve.
⁕ Automation is unreliable and takes the personal touch out of your client relationship.
⁕ Once you setup your CRM, it’s difficult to make changes.
⁕ CRM’s are expensive.
⁕ Your clients will be put off by consistent & professional communication …
Just kidding this one is only here to see if you are paying attention!
I have a mini-course to workshop out which tool Dubsado or HoneyBook will fit your needs and working style best. We’ll cover:
In this Module you’ll get an overview Dubsado’s key functionality & learn why it’s crucial to map out your process before beginning your setup.
You’ll also get a brief overview of the Sleep Coach Blueprints and the tools will be using in the course for planning your setup strategy.
In this Module we’ll go through all the areas of Dubsado so you can get comfy moving around the tool and begin to see how the different areas function together.
In this module, we’ll move through all your account settings and integrations and get you ready to start building out your client process.
In this Module we start building out your account.
We’ll set up your Project Referral Sources, Project Dashboard, Chart of Accounts, Create your Custom Mapped Fields, Setup your Service Packages, Discount Codes and your Payment Plans.
In this Module, we review each of the Sleep Consultant Setup Blueprints.
Sarah – Any Age/Stage | Sofia – Age/Stage 1 package per | Shannon – Age/Stage multiple packages (2 versions) | Public Purchase Option
In this Module we create the email tempates you’ll need to support your client process.
We’ll go over how to edit the Dubsado auto send emails to sound like you, template basics, how link fields work in your templates, and dry run testing inside your account to make sure they are setup correctly.
In this Module we start working with form templates.
We’ll set up your Lead Form, Contract, (and Sub-Agreement if needed), and Questionnaire(s).
In this Module, we get your calendar connected and buildout your Schedulers.
We’ll set up your Discovery Call, Plan Review and any other appointments you’ll need to support your client process. We’ll also cover how to share your new Schedulers.
In this Module, it’s all about Proposal Forms!
We’ll set up your internal proposal forms as well as your public purchase form.
In this Module, it’s Workflow time!
Walkthroughs for each Sleep Consultant Blueprint for how to set up your Workflow to support your client process.
In this Module, we get down to business and test what we’ve built.
We’ll cover testing your entry points, manually applying a WF to the client project, as well as full end to end test of your entire client service journel via the WF process.
In this Module, we’ll go over the ins and outs of working your client projects.
We review project navigation, where to send what when working manually, editing all the things, how to apply discount codes, + tips on working manually when needed.
In this Module we review all the common, urgh! 🫣 moments that come up when working in any tool. This will keep you from having panic moments . . . or at least knowing you are in good company when odd shiz happens.
🦋 Process Mapping Template
🦋 Asset Prep Workbook
🦋 Sleep Consultant Blueprints and Example Automation/Workflows
🦋 Starter Email Templates
🦋 Dubsado – canva form elements
🦋 HoneyBook – Smart File Templates
🦋 Monthly Group Q & A training Zoom Call
🦋 Courses & Group Community hosted inside the Biz Systems Muse Heartbeat App (desktop, mobile, & browser access)
🦋 Office hours with Meg inside Heartbeat.
🦋 Q&A and chat channels in the community to ask questions/get help between calls and office hours. Within 1 day response time during weekdays.
In this Module you’ll get an overview HoneyBook’s key functionality & learn why it’s crucial to map out your process before beginning your setup.
You’ll also get a brief overview of the Sleep Coach Blueprints and the options you have for automating your process inside HoneyBook.
In this Module we’ll do a tour of HoneyBook so you can get comfy moving around the tool and begin to see how the different tools work together.
In this module, we’ll get your Branding and Settings sorted.
We’ll set up your Brand colors and fonts, client portal, signature and build out your service packages.
In this Module, we get your calendar connected and buildout your Schedulers.
We’ll set up your Discovery Call, Plan Review and any other appointments you’ll need to support your client process. We’ll also cover how to share your new Schedulers.
In this Module, I’ll give you a full overview of each of the Sleep Coach Setup Blueprints.
Sarah – Any Age/Stage | Sofia – Age/Stage 1 package per | Shannon – Age/Stage multiple packages (2 versions) | Public Purchase Option
In this Module, we buildout the email templates you need to support your client process and Smart Files sends.
This is where the magic starts to happen! You’ll create all the email templates you need to support your client process as well as those ad hoc emails that are good to have handy when the need arises.
In this Module, we will be building out your all of your Smart Files.
We’ll set up your Entry Point Lead Form, your Booking File, Onboarding File, Coaching File, and Wrap-up File. Woo! – it’s a lot but will be so worth it!
In this Module, we will build your ALL IN ONE Automation!
It’s time to streamline all your phased Smart Files into one automation that will save you even more time!
In this Module, it’s time to test your setup!
We will test your emails, schedulers and Smart Files. As well as test your entry points through your complete process to ensure that everything is firing as intended.
In this Module, we’ll go over the ins and outs of working your client projects.
We review project navigation, using the Chrome Gmail extension, how to change a date of a scheduled appointment from the client project, and what you can do inside the HoneyBook App.
I know this program will make a massive difference in your business. Once you are up and running you won’t be able to imagine going back running your biz manually or using a hodge podge of tools.
You will also be amazed at how much time and brain bandwidth you save once your client service journey is streamlined & automated.
“Cake candy jelly beans gingerbread croissant cookie. Chupa chups chocolate bar cookie gummi bears cake oat cake candy. Powder brownie lemon drops fruitcake halvah. Brownie candy lemon drops dragée lollipop wafer. Jelly-o chupa chups ice cream gummies pastry halvah. Marzipan topping candy donut jujubes topping sweet roll lollipop. Cheesecake shortbread dragée powder marzipan sweet roll.”
~ Harpreet
“Sugar plum chocolate bar lemon drops croissant marshmallow. Cupcake danish sweet oat cake chocolate jelly tootsie roll lollipop brownie. Chocolate danish gummi bears biscuit lemon drops sesame snaps biscuit topping. “
~ Marie-Eve
“Chocolate marzipan chocolate cake tart dragée macaroon shortbread. Cupcake wafer macaroon donut chupa chups cheesecake carrot cake caramels marshmallow. Jelly-o chupa chups ice cream gummies pastry halvah. Marzipan topping candy donut jujubes topping sweet roll lollipop. Cheesecake shortbread dragée powder marzipan sweet roll.”
~ Raz
“Cake candy jelly beans gingerbread croissant cookie. Chupa chups chocolate bar cookie gummi bears cake oat cake candy. Powder brownie lemon drops fruitcake halvah. Brownie candy lemon drops dragée lollipop wafer. Jelly-o chupa chups ice cream gummies pastry halvah. Marzipan topping candy donut jujubes topping sweet roll lollipop. Cheesecake shortbread dragée powder marzipan sweet roll.”
~ Brooke
“Chocolate marzipan chocolate cake tart dragée macaroon shortbread. Cupcake wafer macaroon donut chupa chups cheesecake carrot cake caramels marshmallow. Jelly-o chupa chups ice cream gummies pastry halvah. Marzipan topping candy donut jujubes topping sweet roll lollipop. Cheesecake shortbread dragée powder marzipan sweet roll.”
~ Trisha
Q: I’m a newly certified Sleep Consultant. Is this program still a good fit for me?
A: Yes! I believe that a CRM will help you solidify your process and while also allowing you tweak that process as your business matures.
Q: I have Dubsado/HoneyBook but really haven’t set it up. I think I may want to switch. Do I get access to both setup courses?
A: Yes you do! So if you get in and reazlize that the other is a better fit you can proceed down that setup path. I have a mini-course that breaks down the core functionality differences slightly different strategies. But it boils down to nuances and person preference.
Q: I don’t have a ton of time will I fall behind in this program?
A: Nope. It’s a work at your own pace. And I’m always around inside the Heartbeat Group Program Community area to help you as you move through your setup. There is a monthly zoom group call, Office hours for live q&a, + a dedicated Q&A thread to ask me both tool and strategy questions.
Q: Is it you inside the community answering questions or a VA?
A: Me. If I can’t give you a simple answer via chat text, I often make videos to show you from inside the CRM.
Q: How much support is included in the Group Program?
A: 24 hour written weekday support. During the week I will answer your question within a day after posting in Heartbeat.
Q: How long will it take for me to buildout my CRM?
A: It depends on the amount of time you have to move through the course as well as how much of your consulting process you already have in place (written emails, form content, etc). My experience is that it takes 4-6 weeks doing your setup in your spare time. Some do it faster and some build a bit slower but start using the system while they are building.
Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?
A: Yes I have a 7-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. Email meg@meggoodman.com to request a refund.